Business Line & General Information: 818-238-3333
Non-Emergency, Police Response: 818-238-3000
Emergencies: 911

Neighborhood Watch


The Neighborhood Watch program started in 1972 as a national movement encouraging citizens to partner with police to reduce crime in their area. The motto of Neighborhood Watch is, “We Look Out For Each Other.” The goal is to reduce crime by suggesting the public to take an active part in the safety of their neighborhood. In this program, citizens establish and maintain a safe neighborhood through vigilance and cooperation with the police department.

The first step in starting your own Neighborhood Watch is to talk to your neighbors. Once you have established interest in your neighborhood, contact the Burbank Police Department’s Community Resource Officer to set up a date for an officer to attend a meeting. At the meeting, the officer will discuss the dynamics of Neighborhood Watch groups, address your neighborhood’s concerns, and provide insight to recent crime trends and ways to protect yourself, your vehicle, and your home.

If you would like to start a Neighborhood Watch program in your area of Burbank, please contact Community Resource Officer Campos @

Business Line & General Information: 818-238-3333
Non-Emergency, Police Response: 818-238-3000
Emergencies: 911
200 North Third St., Burbank, CA 91502
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