Business Line & General Information: 818-238-3333
Non-Emergency, Police Response: 818-238-3000
Emergencies: 911


FAQ Categories


Film Permits



Questions & Answers


How do I Pay a Parking Citation?

There are various ways to pay a parking citation in the City of Burbank.

By Mail: Parking citations may be returned by mail with a check or money order made payable to the City of Burbank. Payments should be sent to:

City of Burbank Police Department, ATTN: Citation Management
200 N Third Street
Burbank CA 91502-1201


Payment Processing Center
P.O. Box 6010
Inglewood, CA 90312-6010

Make sure to include your citation or indicate the citation number in the memo section of your check or money order

Online: Click here to contest or pay your parking citation online. Any convenience fees are charged by the vendor, not the City of Burbank. Due to processing delays, it may take up to five days before online payment of your citation is available.

By Phone: You can call our toll free number at 1-877-237-3087 to make a payment by phone. Any convenience fees are charged by the vendor, not the City of Burbank.

In-Person: Payments may also be made in person at the Burbank Police Department, Traffic Bureau, Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Accepted forms of payment include: cash, money order, VISA or Mastercard. If the Traffic Bureau is closed, a drop box is located in the lobby of the station. Make sure to bring your citation or know your citation number to ensure proper credit.

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How do I contest a parking citation?

The California Vehicle Code sets forth uniform procedures for contesting a parking citation issued by this agency. These procedures include several time periods that must be carefully adhered to. In order to contest a citation, the “Request For Administrative Review” form must be received by the Burbank Police Department within twenty-one (21) days of the citation issuance, or within fourteen (14) days of the postmark of a delinquent citation notice you have received. All periods are expressed in calendar days.

Failure to comply with all stated time requirements will result in a waiver of your right to contest the citation. All correspondence will be sent to the address you provide on the reverse side of the protest form. Any delays in your receiving these communications will NOT result in extensions of time periods, except as otherwise provided by law. It is your responsibility to provide a proper mailing address and zip code for personal notification of our findings. We will make no further attempts to contact you beyond the mailing of our findings.

Our review will consist of an evaluation of the TECHNICAL MERIT of the citation. If we find the citation is invalid, it will be dismissed. If we find the citation valid, you will be provided with a “Request for Administrative Hearing” form with which to contest the citation further. Should you disagree with the technical findings, or feel there were extenuating circumstances, complete the form and file with the deposit of the full penalty amount within twenty-one (21) days of the postmark of our findings.

The “Request for Administrative Hearing” form requires you to select one of two options:

1. “Hearing by Personal Appearance” – For this, you will appear at an actual hearing presided over by a Hearing Commissioner, who will consider your contested citation. These hearings take place on a monthly basis. During this hearing you can testify or have a witness testify. The Hearing Commissioner can find you not guilty or dismiss the ticket administratively. He or she can also find you guilty, in which case, some or all of the posted bail is forfeited.

2. “Hearing by Declaration” - Allows you to submit a written argument to the Hearing Commissioner, who then has the same options as with a live hearing.

The decision of the Hearing Commissioner is final unless you appeal the case to Los Angeles County Superior Court. This must be done within twenty-five (25) days of the mailing of the Hearing Commissioner’s findings and requires a court-imposed fee.

You can get more details on the process by coming to the Citation Management (Traffic) counter in the lobby of the Police/Fire Headquarters Facility, or you may call 1-818-238-3120.

Download Contest Parking Citation Form.

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What do I do if I think I am a victim of identity theft?

Click here to find out about identity theft.

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How do I commend an employee?

If you would like to commend an employee of the Burbank Police Department, please complete this form.

You may either mail this form or return it to the Burbank Police Department. You may also commend an employee by writing a letter to the Chief of Police at P. O. Box 6459, Burbank, CA 91510-6459, or by email at

Verbal commendations may be given to any supervisor or the watch commander. Your comments will be reviewed by the employee’s commanding officer and the commended employee.

The Burbank Police Department thanks you for your interest and for taking the time to complete this form.

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What are the property room hours?

The Property Room's public counter is open Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. You can reach the Property Room via the main elevator from the Police lobby of the Police/Fire Headquarters Facility. Check in with the desk officer in the lobby and advise him/her that you need to go to the Property Room.

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How do I retrieve my property?

When property is eligible for release and the owner is known, a card is sent to the owner, stating that we hold property belonging to them, and giving instructions on how to pick it up. To confirm hours, or that your property is ready for release, call 1-818-238-3040 with the report number and property tag number. You can also call 1-818-238-3040 to inquire about losses that have not been reported to the police.

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How do I obtain a release for an impounded vehicle?

Registered owners of impounded vehicles must FIRST obtain an impound release prior to going to the contract tow service storage facility. Releases can be obtained at the Police/Fire Headquarters Building located at 200 N. Third St. in Burbank.

To obtain a release on a vehicle that has been impounded as a result of an arrest other than DUI, the registered owner of the vehicle must contact the detective assigned to the case. It is advisable to call the Burbank Police Department to assure the vehicle is available for release prior to coming in. You can call 1-818-238-3333, with the case number to ascertain the release status of the vehicle, and if necessary, the name of the detective assigned to the case.

To obtain a vehicle that has been impounded as a result of DUI, driving without a license, driving on an expired license, out-of-date registration, or other traffic-related violations, it is advisable to call the Burbank Police Department Traffic Bureau at 1-818-238-3100 to assure the vehicle is available for release prior to coming in.

Only the Registered Owner (RO) of a vehicle can obtain the impound release. If the RO is not available (for example, out of town), he or she may mail, overnight, or send a facsimile (FAX) a NOTARIZED letter designating a person to pick up the vehicle. In the letter, the RO must be very specific as to who will be picking up the vehicle, along with a detailed description of the vehicle itself (make, model, license plate number, etc.).

The RO, or his/her designee, must present a valid California driver’s license. If the person only has a temporary license, another valid form of photo ID is required to obtain an impound release.

There is an administrative fee for the release of vehicles. No checks or cash are accepted by the Burbank Police Department. Acceptable forms of payment are credit card and debit card only.

With the impound release in hand, you may go to the contract tow service and pay tthe applicable tow and storage fees directly. The current contract tow service is Girard and Peterson, 154 W. Providencia Ave., Burbank, CA 91502 1-818-843-8000. Please call them for particulars regarding payment methods, hours of operation, etc.

Complaints about the tow service should be made in writing to the Traffic Bureau Commander, Burbank Police Dept., 200 N. Third St., Burbank CA 91502

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How do I obtain an Alarm Permit?

Alarm Permits

Alarm Permit Applications:

Alarm Permits may be obtained at the Burbank Police Department's Traffic Bureau, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or by calling 818 238-3226 to request an application be mailed. An application may also be downloaded from the link at the bottom of this page. Commercial and residential applications are handled in the same manner. The permit fee is $75.00 and may be paid by cash, check, or money order. Credit card payment is not accepted by the City for this fee.

The permit fee allows the permit holder two false "burglary" alarms in a calendar year (January 1 to December 31). A third false "burglary" alarm, and each subsequent false alarm, will result in a $150.00 administrative fee.

The permit fee allows the permit holder two false "robbery" alarms in a calendar year (January 1 to December 31). A third false "robbery' alarm, and each subsequent false alarm, will result in a $200.00 administrative fee.

The permit renewal fee will be waived, if the permit location has had no more than two false alarms in the previous calendar year. A notification of a $25.00 renewal fee will be mailed, if the permit location has three or more false alarms in the previous year. Additional fees apply if the payment is not received prior to the April 1st deadline for that year.

There is a change in response status fee of $ 25.00 per change.

False Alarms:

A false alarm means an alarm signal activated from any alarm system which is responded to by personnel of the Police Department and for which no emergency situation exists or existed as determined by the responding personnel. The "false alarm" shall not include alarms caused by hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes or other extraordinary circumstances determined by the Alarm Officer to be clearly beyond the control of the alarm subscriber. Examples include gale force wind, flood, fire, and verifiable power or telephone line failure. Permit holders will be notified by mail at the address on the alarm permit of any applicable or delinquent fees. A police response to alarm activations will be declined if fees are 90 days past due and the permit holder has not replied to payment notifications.

Changes to an Alarm Permit:

It is the registered alarm permit holder’s responsibility to inform the alarm office of any required changes to responsible party emergency contact information. Notification is made by submitting an alarm permit form and writing ‘update’ at the top of the form. Alarm permits are not transferrable. A new permit is required when the permit holder changes alarm companies, moves, changes the business name, or there is a new resident or owner of the business. The permit holder is required to notify the permit office when moving to an address different from the original permit. Follow the same procedure as listed above and write ‘cancel’ at the top of the permit application. The alarm office will make the necessary changes.

Alarm Permit Form

Burbank Police Department
Attn: Alarm Office
200 North Third Street
Burbank, CA 91502-1201

Please Note: Changes to information must be submitted in writing within 10 days of change.

$75.00 Permit Fee


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How do I get a copy of an accident or crime report?

Copies of some reports may be released by the Burbank Police Department Record Bureau, which has a 24/7 public counter located in the Police lobby of the Police/Fire Headquarters Facility. Reports take up to ten (10) days before they are avialable for release. The base fee is $15 for a Traffic Report, $5 for a Crime Report, and $10 for a Computer Aided Dispatch Incident Report. Additional fees may apply depending on the type and complexity of the report, and whether or not photographs are included. Some reports are not public information and will only be released to those individuals with a right to have them.

For people who have suffered a financial loss in a reported incident, it is usually possible to obtain a “Certificate of Loss” to satisfy insurance company needs. If a report cannot be released, the base report fee is still applicable.

Public Information vs. Right to Privacy

Related Fees (civil subpoenas, witness fees, report fees, impound fees and statistical information fees, etc)

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How do I file a complaint?

A relationship of trust and confidence between members of the Police Department and the Community they serve is essential to effective law enforcement. Police employees have a special obligation to act in a professional manner and respect the rights of all persons they contact. Law enforcement officers and employees must be free, however, to exercise their best judgment and initiate enforcement action or provide police services in a reasonable and impartial manner without fear of reprisal.

The Burbank Police Department acknowledges its responsibility to establish a system of procedures which not only will subject employees to corrective action when they conduct themselves improperly, but will also support employees when they properly discharge their duties.

If you have a complaint regarding a police employee, it is desirable that you come to the Police Department and speak to a supervisor, however, complaints may be made by telephone, 1-818-238-3130 or by mail, Burbank Police Department, P.O. Box 6459, Burbank, CA, 91510, and can be made anonymously. Citizen report forms are also available at City Hall in the Community Assistance Coordinator Office or the City Clerk’s Office. All information received will be treated confidentially by the Burbank Police Department. You may also access the form here.

Complaint Process
When filing your complaint, you will be asked to provide the following information:

1. Your name, address, phone number(s), and age.

2. The name, address, phone number(s), and age of the alleged victim, if other than yourself.

3. The date, day, time, and location of the incident about which you are complaining.

4. The names of any witnesses, their address, and phone number(s), if available.

5. The name, badge number, or identifying description of the involved police employee(s), if available.

6. The name, address, and phone number(s) of any attorney or other person representing you and/or the alleged victim in this matter.

7. A narrative description of the events giving rise to your complaint.

A parent or guardian’s signature may be required on any complaint filed by a person under 18 years of age.

An investigator shall be specifically assigned by the Chief or Division Commander, and he/she shall contact all witnesses, examine any relevant evidence, and gather all information pertinent to each allegation made in the complaint. After completion of a thorough investigation, a complaint disposition shall be made as defined by Burbank Police Department policy for each alleged act of misconduct.

The final disposition of the complaint may be made by the Chief or Division Commander. When a complaint is sustained, the Chief may determine the appropriate corrective and/or disciplinary action to administer, including one or more of the following: counseling, training, written reprimand, suspension, demotion, or termination.

Departmental procedure allows 60 days for completion of an investigation into a citizen complaint. Normally all complaint investigations are completed within this time period. Extensions may be granted by the Chief if additional time is required. In the event of a delay, you will be notified of the reason(s) for the delay by the Department.

If you have any questions regarding these procedures, please contact the Internal Affairs Bureau (IAB) at (818) 238-3238, Monday through Friday, during normal business hours. Upon request, the Department’s procedural directive on citizen complaints is available for inspection.

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How do I report an abandoned vehicle?

Citizens wishing to file a complaint regarding a vehicle in violation of the 72-hour law (“abandoned vehicles”) can call 1-818-238-3107, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. You will be prompted by a recorded message requesting the following information:

  • License plate number
  • Color
  • Make/model
  • Vehicle location (address)

You are NOT required to leave your name and number. Any personal information left in regards to complaints is completely confidential. Only one call is needed to assure your complaint is filed.

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What is the hiring process like?

Please visit

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How do I obtain a release of firearms?

The State of California completes a comprehensive background check prior to authorizing our Police Department to release any firearms in our custody.

Contact the Burbank Police Department Detective Bureau at 1-818-238-3210 to speak with an assigned Detective regarding the release of your firearm(s). You should have the desk report number available when you make the call.

For additional information regarding the State application for the release of firearms, visit the Attorney General's website at

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Does the Police Department auction unclaimed property?

Yes, unclaimed property is sent to auction and can be viewed at

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What should I do if I am involved in a traffic accident?

1. You must stop. Someone could be injured and need your help.

2. If anyone is injured, call 911. Administer first aid to injured parties. (Not all traffic accidents require a police response. Most non-injury traffic accidents can be handled between the parties.)

3. If no one is injured or killed, move your vehicle out of the traffic lane.

4. Show your driver’s license, registration card and proof of financial responsibility to the other driver or to a peace officer. You are also required to provide your current residence address.

5. Get the facts. Write down the details at the scene:

A) License plate numbers.

B) Damage to all vehicles involved.

C) Name(s) of other drivers, addresses and phone numbers.

D) Insurance company names and policy numbers.

E) Name(s) of all passengers, pedestrians or witnesses, addresses and phone numbers.

F) When did the accident occur? Date and time.

G) Where did the accident occur? Cross Streets and City.

6. If you have a camera, photographs can be helpful for future reference. Carefully choose a safe location from which to take the photographs.

7. If you are unable to locate the owner of a car or other property that you have collided with, you must leave a note secured attached to the property in a conspicuous place, which includes your name, address, and the name and address of the owner of the car you are driving.

8. You must also contact the local law enforcement agency.

9. Emergency Item Checklist:

  • Pens/ pencils
  • Camera
  • Blanket
  • First aid kit
  • Jumper cables
  • Flashlight
  • Flares
  • Paper/ notepad

DMV driver’s handbook
AAA pamphlet; “Protect Yourself In Case Of an Accident”

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Who do I contact about a traffic issue?

You can contact the Traffic Bureau directly at (818) 238-3100.

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What is the law or ordinance of installing a security camera outside a house or apartment in Burbank?

Contact our Community Resource Officers regarding laws pertaining to exterior lighting and security devices. They can be reached at (818) 238-3223.


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What is the phone number to get in contact with Lost and Found on a cell phone.

You would need to provide our Property Bureau with the description of the phone, date and time you believe you lost it and a descritption-if any to assist us as there would not be any name identifiers on the phone.  Please call them at 818-238-3040.


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Film Permits

What are the office hours for permits?

Our office is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Permits are issued between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

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Is there a film permit application fee?

Non-refundandable film permit fees:

1 to 2 Consecutive Days - $398.00

3 to 7 Consecutive Days - $707.00

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How long does it take to get a permit?

Three (3) business days' notice is required. If the filming is complex, it is recommended to contact the Film Permit Office 1-2 weeks prior to the scheduled filming date.

Click here for the Film Permit Request Form.

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Can I fax or e-mail in a permit request?

If you are unable to access the internet or utilize, please call (818) 238-3105 for alternative methods to submit a film permit request.

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Do I need a permit if I am a student?

Yes, however, the film permit fee is waived until December 31, 2019. You will need to provide us with your student ID and a letter from your school stating your name and dates of the filming. Other fees may apply depending on your film activity. 

Effective January 1, 2020 film fees will be as follows:

1 to 2 Consecutive Days - $25.00

3 to 7 Consecutive Days - $100.00

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Do I need a permit if I am a non-profit organization?

Yes, however the film permit fee is waived. You will need to provide a copy of your IRS 501c form. Other fees may apply depending on your film activity.

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If I am filming all on private property, do I need a permit?

Yes, unless you are filming within a certified sound stage.

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What kind of insurance is required in order to get a film permit?

Insurance for filming is required. The applicant/permittee must maintain in force, during the full term of the film permit insurance in the following amounts and coverages:

a.    Commercial General Liability Insurance with limits not less than $2,000,000 each occurrence Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage, including coverages for Contractual Liability, Personal Injury, Independent Contractors, Broadform Property Damage, and Products Liability and Completed Operations. If a general aggregate limit applies, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit;

b.    Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance with limits not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage, including coverages for owned, non-owned and hired automobiles, as applicable; and

c.     Workers' Compensation Insurance in statutory amounts with Employer's Liability Coverage with limits of not less than $1,000,000 each accident.

d.    Commercial General Liability and Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance policies must provide the following: (See Attachment E, Insurance example)

 i.  Name as Additional Insured the City of Burbank, its Officers, Agents, Employees, and Volunteers on a form acceptable to City.

ii. That such policies are primary insurance to any other insurance available to the Additional Insureds, with respect to any claims arising out of the film permit, and that insurance applies separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought.

The insurance certificate and endorsement form must be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. 

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Will a Police /Fire officer be assigned during my filming?

If your filming or parking of equipment/production vehicles are on public property, a least one Burbank Police Officer will be assigned. Additional police officers may be assigned if the filming activity warrants it.

Interior filming on private or public property usually requires a Fire Safety Officer. The permit will be reviewed by the Burbank Fire Department.

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How do I hire police/fire personnel?

The Film Permit Office will coordinate with the Police and Fire Departments in assigning officers. The rate for Police Officers is $140.00 per hour per officer with a 4-hour minimum.  The rate for the Fire Department is $108.00 per hour.  Service requests over 4 hours will include an addition of 30 minutes for pre- and post-assignment tasks (rate subject to change).

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What should I do if I find a baby bird?

Although your first instinct may be to remove the bird and bring it to safety, this may cause more harm than good.

If a bird can hop and flutter on its own, it is best to leave it alone. Parent birds keep good track of their babies by communicating through certain types of calls and retunring to them to feed. As baby birds get bigger it is not uncommon for parent birds to nudge them out of their nest to allow them to develop their flying skills or to hide them from predators who may be too close to the nest.

A smaller amount of found birds are nestlings, meaning they are very young, featherless, and most times their eyes have not yet opened. In most cases nestlings are blown out of their nest, or their nest was destroyed. The best thing for a concerned onlookers to do is help the nestling back into their nest. If the nest is detroyed or unsafe to reach, a shoe box attached to the tree makes for a great makeshift nest.

Please keep in mind that reunification is always the best chance at survival for all wildlife.

For further questions concerning found wildlife contact the shelter at (818)238-3340.


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Should I feed wildlife affected by wildfires?


Although intentions may be good, it is never a good idea to feed any wildlife. Moreover, feeding wildlife is not only illegal, but also very dangerous.

Feeding wild animals changes their behavior causing them to remain in your area and become dependent on you. When presented with a source a food they will not abandon it. Feeding even seemingly safe animals like deer and squirrels can have severe negative consequences as this may attract larger predatory animals such as mountain lions and coyotes into your area. This in turn puts your family and pets in danger.


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Ducks are hanging out in my pool. What should I do?

Prevention is always the best method to take when dealing with wildlife in or around your home. Adult ducks seek out peaceful and safe areas when looking for a place to nest. To discourage ducks and any wildlife from nesting in your backyard try the following:

  • Use a pool cover during the off season or when away from your home.
  • Do not feed ducks or other wildlife.
  • Reduce grass or shrubbery near and around your home. This provides both food and a comfortable place to retreat.
  • Use scare eye balloons or helium ballons to keep ducks from entering your pool.

If ducks have already made their way to your pool:

  • Make sure to leave nesting ducks alone! It is against state and federal law to disturb, harm, move or destroy nestling ducks.
  • Keep pets inside or closely watched while in the yard.

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What educational efforts are being made to increase coyote awareness for the residents and visitors of Burbank?

The Burbank Animal Shelter, Burbank Police Department, and the City of Burbank share important information and educational material via their websites and social media accounts including Facebook, Instagram and Nextdoor.  Coyote information can be found on the Animal Shelter’s Coyote page (insert link) or  at

Additionally, flyers and brochures are placed throughout various City buildings, mailed upon request, or distributed in areas experiencing frequent coyote sightings.  Coyote hazing inserts have been included in the registration renewal notices of all licensed pets within the City of Burbank.  Signs have been placed in areas reporting frequent coyote sightings such as the Chandler Bike Path and all City Parks.  Posters have been distributed to pet supply stores, veterinary hospitals, boarding and grooming facilities within Burbank. Bus shelter ad campaigns promoting coyote awareness will be circulated in January, April, and August of 2021.

Future efforts include developing a Coyote Watch Program with Burbank residents, identifying areas for permanent signage, creating educational videos covering various topics such as “how to haze” and developing an e-newsletter to share updated and additional information on all animal topics.

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What are the State and local laws relevant to trapping, relocating, and or euthanizing coyotes?

Per State Law, California Code of Regulations, Title 14 § 465.5, it is illegal to trap and relocate coyotes.  Trapped coyotes must be released where trapped or be euthanized.

Relocating wildlife can result in increased competition for resources and is considered inhumane to both the relocated animals and wildlife found in the area where new animals are introduced.  Coyotes relocated in other areas of the country were known to return to the area they were removed from. Additionally, removing wildlife from a specific area has been shown to result in new animals taking their place.  In some instances, more animals entered the area than were removed.

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What methods may be used to control the growing coyote population?

Spay and neuter as well as euthanizing efforts to reduce the coyote population would likely require a thorough examination of the environmental impact that may result from taking this course.  Following an EIR, a feasibility study would be required to determine the economic and legal impacts of implementing such a program. Similarly, in 2020, the City of Los Angeles conducted an Environmental Impact Report for its proposed Citywide Cat Program. The Citywide Cat Program’s objectives included the increased spaying or neutering of stray, owned, free-roaming or feral cats. Click here to see the final Environmental Impact Report for the City of Los Angeles Citywide Cat Program.

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What deterrents may be used to keep coyotes away from our homes?

In addition to keeping your yard trimmed, clutter and food attractant free, motion sensor sprinklers, lights or other fixtures may be added to deter wildlife.  Additionally, homemade solutions such as vinegar, mixtures of mint and mouthwash or cayenne peppers and onions, have been known to keep wildlife away.

Click here to view the yard deterrent checklist

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How can coyote populations be managed in commercial areas?

Movement detecting motion lights can help keep coyotes and other wildlife away from commercial areas when people have left for the day. When people are around, hazing is recommended every time a coyote is seen in the area.

Remove all accessible food and water sources as well as potential hiding places.

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Can anything be done about particularly problematic coyotes?

Trapping problematic coyotes known to cause continuous issues in an area may be considered by Animal Control after determining the circumstances around the encounters. For coyotes known to regularly capture household pets, trapping efforts are usually made. Trapping coyotes can prove difficult as they are extremely smart animals.  All coyotes trapped will be humanely euthanized.

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How have coyotes’ behavior changed during Covid-19?

With traffic patterns shifting and local schools being closed and empty, coyotes have been spotted taking advantage of the free spaces and roaming through these areas more frequently.  With more people staying at home, there have been increased opportunities to observe the wildlife in or around Burbank residential areas which may lead to the perceptionthat the number of coyotes has increased.


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What do coyotes eat?

Coyotes eat small animals such as rodents, squirrels, gophers, skunks, foxes, raccoons and opossums. They have also been known to eat dead animals.

According to Urban Coyote Research Project, many people believe that urban coyotes primarily eat garbage and pets. Although coyotes are predators, they are also opportunistic and shift their diets to take advantage of the most available prey, which can include domestic pets.  Coyotes are generally scavengers and predators of small prey but can shift to large prey occasionally.  The most common food item for coyotes is small rodents.  

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Is feeding coyotes illegal?

Yes, feeding coyotes is illegal per Burbank Municipal Code and State Code. 

Burbank Municipal Code (5-1-1107) prohibits feeding or providing food to non-domesticated mammalian predators, including, but not limited to, coyotes, raccoons, foxes and opossums.

California Code of Regulation Title 14, Section §251.1 specifies no person shall harass any game or nongame bird or mammal or furbearing mammal where harass is defined as an intentional act which disrupts an animal's normal behavior patterns, which includes, but is not limited to, breeding, feeding or sheltering.

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What is the Coyote Watch Program?

The Coyote Watch Program (CWP) is a pilot program the Burbank Animal Shelter is establishing for Burbank residents.  Like Neighborhood Watch, which aims to deter crime in neighborhoods by encouraging collaboration, the CWP would encourage neighbors to learn and educate about best coyote management practices.

Block Captains for each neighborhood would oversee sharing information with neighbors.  Staff would in turn hold regular meetings with the Block Captains to discuss current coyote news and assess the coyote issues in each neighborhood to better address individual needs.

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Can I hire a wildlife or pest control management company to trap coyotes in my area?

Yes; however, traps would have to be set on private property only.

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How do I haze if I encounter several coyotes at once?

Try using hands free tools such as a rescue whistle or air horn you can carry on a lanyard over your neck. This will also be helpful if out walking with pets.

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Am I allowed to shoot a coyote?

Although Burbank Municipal Code allows a firearm to be discharged in the City to protect life and property, it is important to consider the risks of discharging a firearm within City limits, especially due to the proximity of neighboring homes in your area.  Full use of the deterring methods and hazing techniques mentioned above are recommended above all else.  The use of a firearm to dispatch a coyote should be a last resort to prevent imminent danger to life and property, and only when safe to do so.

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Business Line & General Information: 818-238-3333
Non-Emergency, Police Response: 818-238-3000
Emergencies: 911
200 North Third St., Burbank, CA 91502
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