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The Burbank Police Department is a POST-participating agency with an authorized budget of 160 sworn police officers. After gaining patrol experience, officers can apply to work in several specialized and collateral assignments, which include:
Field Training Officer
Air Support
School Resource Officer
K-9 Officer
Community Resource Officer
Bicycle Patrol
Mental Health Evaluation team
Traffic/Motor Officer
Gang Enforcement Team
The Department strives to achieve and maintain a workforce that is highly qualified and representative of the local community.
Figures Below: Sworn staffing breakdown by race, as of January 1, 2023. The data was provided by the City of Burbank Community Development Department based on 2023 Claritas demographic data and an estimated population of 105,357. The Claritas demographic data categorizes Armenian as Caucasian.

The Patrol Division receives and responds to all calls for emergency services, conducts timely initial investigations and appropriate follow-up, prevents crime through pro-active, directed and non-directed patrols, and prepares documentation on all calls for service and police reports. It consists of Patrol, Traffic, Gang Enforcement Team (GET), Parking Enforcement, and Air Support.

The Investigation Division is responsible for follow-up investigation and the gathering of evidence to assist in the prosecution of criminal offenses. It consists of Crimes v. Persons, Crimes v. Property, Special Investigations Detail, Domestic and Family Crimes Unit, Gang Detail, and Forensics Specialists.
Administrative Services includes the Community Outreach and Personnel Services (COPS) Bureau, which manages recruitment, applicant backgrounds, hiring, training, media relations, and community policing programs; the office of the Chief of Police, and the Professional Standards Bureau, which incorporates property and evidence, physical plant maintenance, internal affairs investigations and departmental audits.
The Support Services Division consists of the Records Bureau, Citation Management, Jail Support, Communications, Property/Evidence, and Computer Unit.
The Budget and Finance Division is responsible for many of the fiscal functions of the Burbank Police Department. The civilian personnel in the Budget and Finance Office handle accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, budget management, purchasing, and grants. The goal of this division is to provide financial stewardship to the Department and to manage all resources in the most effective and efficient manner.