The Burbank Police Commission was established by the Burbank Municipal Code and initially had five members. In 2007, the Burbank City Council amended the Municipal Code, increasing the commission by two members to a total of seven members. In 2019, the Burbank City Council again amended the Municpal Code, reducing the Police Commission back to five members. Also in 2019, the Municipal Code was amended to have Police Commission meetings held on a quarterly basis, rather than monthly. In 2021, the Burbank City Council again amended the Municipal Code, increasing the commission by two members to a total of seven members.
The Burbank Police Commission members are appointed by the City Council. Every member serves for a term of four years.
The recent Covid-19 pandemic has affected the manner in which they are held. The Police Commission meetings are normally held monthly, on the third Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m., in the Burbank City Council Chambers, City Hall, 275 East Olive Avenue.
Click here to view recent Police Commission meetings.

The Police Commission, on behalf of the community of Burbank at the direction of the City Council, shall provide civilian oversight to advocate best law enforcement policies for the greater good of the Burbank community.
The Commission will monitor the Burbank Police Department to achieve and maintain a culture of respect and professionalism through accountability and transparency in all of its actions.
• Civilian volunteers work in the best interests of Burbank’s diverse community
• Serve as a liaison between the community and the Police Department in law enforcement matters
• Acquire the necessary knowledge and understanding of the policies, procedures, and practices of the Burbank Police Department
• At all times, a Commissioner’s obligation is to maintain ethical behavior and keep the goals and objectives of the Commission above any self-interest