Complaint Form
The purpose of these procedures is to provide the public with a just, open, and expeditious investigation of complaints regarding the conduct of employees of this Department. To this end, citizens are encouraged to bring complaints about Department operations and the conduct of its employees to the attention of the Burbank Police Department whenever a citizen believes that such action was improper.
The Burbank Police Department welcomes your complaints and constructive criticism in the interest of better law enforcement.
A relationship of trust and confidence between members of the Police Department and the Community is essential to effective law enforcement. Police employees have a special obligation to act in a professional manner and respect the rights of all persons they contact. Law enforcement officers and employees must also be free to exercise their best judgment and provide police services in a reasonable and impartial manner without fear of reprisal.
The Burbank Police Department acknowledges its responsibility to establish a fair system of complaint and disciplinary procedures which may subject employees to corrective action when they conduct themselves improperly, but will also support employees when they properly discharge their duties.
Departmental procedure allows 60 days for completion of an investigation into a citizen complaint. Complaints are normally completed within this time period. Extensions may be granted by the Chief if additional time is required. In the event of a delay, you will be notified of the reason(s) for the delay by the Department.
If you have any questions regarding these procedures, please contact the Office of the Chief of Police, Monday through Friday, during normal business hours. The Department’s procedural directive on citizen complaints is available for inspection, upon request.
Office of the Chief of Police: (818) 238-3200
24-hour, non-emergency line for police services: (818) 238-3000
Internal Affairs Bureau (IAB): (818) 238-3238
General information: (818) 238-3333
Watch Commander: (818) 238-3130
We prefer that you come to the Police Department and deliver your complaint to a supervisor, however, complaints may be made by website, telephone, or by mail (Burbank Police Department, P.O. Box 6459, Burbank, CA, 91510), and can be made anonymously. All information received will be treated confidentially by the Burbank Police Department.
A parent or guardian’s signature is required on any complaint filed by a person under 18 years of age. When filing your complaint, you will be asked to provide the following information:
1. Your name, address, phone number(s), and age.
2. The name, address, phone number(s), and age of the alleged victim, if other than yourself.
3. The date, day, time, and location of the incident about which you are complaining.
4. The names of any witnesses, their address, and phone number(s), if available.
5. The name, badge number, or identifying description of the involved police employee(s), if available.
6. The name, address, and phone number(s) of any attorney or other person representing you and/or the alleged victim in this matter.
7. A narrative description of the events giving rise to your complaint.
An investigator will be specifically assigned by the Chief or Division Commander, and he/she will contact all witnesses, examine any relevant evidence, and gather all information pertinent to each allegation made in the complaint. Upon completion of the investigation, a decision will be made for each alleged act of misconduct, as defined by Burbank Police Department policy.
The final disposition of the complaint may be made by the Chief or Division Commander. When a complaint is sustained, the Chief has the authority to administer appropriate corrective and/or disciplinary action.